Monday, November 18, 2019

POLTCS ASSESSMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

POLTCS ASSESSMENT - Essay Example It will complete its 800 years in 2015. The crucial time of emerging requirements reveals the need of formal written document in shape of proper constitution explicating the rights and duties of government bodies and the public individuals (McLean, 2010). Absence of constitution does not mean that United Kingdom does not have any constitution; rather it means the absence of a complied document that could conjoin the contemporary practices of constitutional nature such as from Magna Carta, Bill of rights and parliamentary acts plus the unwritten conventions which are followed broadly. The essential question, which is put forward to get the answer of need of a written constitution, is further divided in to two extremes. One reveals that this would help the UK to integrate with other nations which have their written constitutions while the other explains that there is no need of a constitution because the running monarch system is substantial to meet up the requirements effectively. It is also considered that a new document may confuse the people’s vision and may make it vague because every legislative participant is immune to the current contemporary practices (Kwan, 2010). The power of parliament, that exposes enacting or discontinuing any law with in the country, is known as doctrine of Parliamentary Sovereignty. It also includes premier rights and laws as well as institutional structure. Mutual consent of all branches of the government, which include Judiciary, legislation and executive, is important and vital to pass any law and order. European convention of human rights protected fundamental higher status to rights and impacted an immediate consequence in contour of Human Rights Act 1998. In current scenario, the act may be reinstated by a straightforward majority as it has been elucidated in above statement (Colley, 2011). The establishment of the rights is expected as The proposed rights by council of Europe must be recognized and accepted by the en tire European Democratic Agencies Most of the clauses are identical as which are practiced by Britain Judicial Department as after consenting the Bill of Rights in 1689, it is simply the re statement of rephrasing of the contemporary upholding The national judiciary contemplates the rights in adjustment to domestic piece of law. It is accommodated in such a way that its compatibility with general legislative laws is not harmed. In order to explain the role of written constitution and definition of its significance, the role of several branches of government is required to delineate at priority basis. After lucid prioritization, it would be more favorable to generate the outline structure of constitution document in written form. It does not possess momentous importance that the constitution needs to explain the overall structural outline of government supportive institutions. In lieu of defining the role of institutions in profundity, it is enough to explain the limitation of powers . It is a pre requisite of not getting the constitution over complex. Such as, the constitution of United States does not explain the procedure of elections and polling as well as the senate structure ( A general referendum should be conducted in order to

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