Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Ideal Son A Short Story The Prodigal Son - 978 Words

Have you ever felt as if your parent has a favorite child? Well, in the Prodigal Son, you can’t help but wonder if there is a little game of favorites being played between his two sons. The story is basically about one of the prodigal’s son wanting to leave home and he agreed and gave him a certain amount of money but he ends up blowing it all and coming back home. On the other hand the older son has been working his whole life and not once asked for any money nor left. The messages can vary from trust to responsibility, especially with the father allowing the youngest to leave the house with a certain amount of money and then blowing it as soon as he left. In the story The Prodigal Son there are many messages and throughout the rest of†¦show more content†¦The second message is from the younger son, he is pretty spoiled but he is also the youngest one, he was given the chance to go out and live on his own but he blew it. â€Å"Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me.† The younger son was asking his father to give him his half of the money that he had planned on giving to his sons when he passed but the youngest wanted it now so he could leave home. Though he is the youngest and parents do tend to spoil their youngest, in this case, he shouldn’t have been rewarded if you will with a party, he should have been punished. â€Å"In this parable, the younger of two sons becomes unsettled with life on the family estate and requests his share of the inheritance, only to squander it recklessly in a foreign land† (Forbes, Greg. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society; Lynchburg). He wasn’t being responsible when he was given however much money his father offered to him and left the house and not to mention he was basically demanding that he leaves the house as soon as possible. He didn’t really learn a single lesson when his father ended up throwing a party for him. â€Å"But do I truly w ant to be restored to the full responsibility of theShow MoreRelated Essay on Punishment and the Prodigal Son of The Holy Bible692 Words   |  3 PagesPunishment and the Prodigal Son    In American Society today, there exists a feeling that those who have transgressed, whether against individuals, family members, or society at large, need to be held responsible for their actions. The more severe the transgression, the more severe the punishment. It is not unheard of in these times, for example, that a parent may let his or her child spend a few nights in jail in order to teach them a lesson. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Gender Inequality - 1369 Words

Gender inequality has been a long standing issue throughout history. While for some people there is no gender inequality at the workforce some studies and research have shown the contrary. Despite the effort to combat gender discrepancies at the workplace gender equity has yet not being reached. Gender itself plays an important role at the workforce because some people stereotype a person according to their gender and not by their capacity. Stereotypes are characteristics attributed to people based on their membership in a social group (Gungor and Biernat, 2008).Women are perceived as more caring, submissive and less assertive/ambitious while widely held attributes of men include dominance, and leadership. These attributes perceived on†¦show more content†¦Single mothers’ income was 21% lower that of single fathers in 2010. Moreover, studies have shown that single mothers are more likely than single fathers to be in poverty that other US households. Employed single mo thers are more frequently judged harsh that employed fathers. Employed fathers are regarded as better parents and more professionally competent than employed mothers (Etaugh Folger, 1998). They are regarded as better fathers because they go to work to sustain their children and seek their professional ambitions, but when a mother goes to work and seeks her professional ambition is frowned up because women are stereotyped and think that women should stay home and care for their children. Furthermore, women who are pregnant or have two children are less likely to be hired or promoted because for some employers it shows lack of commitment (Fuegen et al., 2004). Others studies state that disparities in income can be explain through the Human Capital Theory which refers to the knowledge , personal and social attributes that an individual posses. One of this attributes apply the type of education one has and how it can help on the job desired. But, despite the education one has when it c omes to explaining the gender pay gap the experience is what remains at the top in explaining it. Although today there are mothers on the job they still have less job experience than non-mothers or men because they have to takeShow MoreRelatedEssay On Gender Inequality1127 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"superior† race/gender of a white male were typically treated as if they were less. Women and African-Americans aren’t being treated as bad today, but they’re still being treated worse than the white males of society. Even today, when white males are typically the leaders of society, it’s not always race and gender that creates inequality; sometimes it’s money that creates the issue. Not just from past evidence, but from present evidence as well, America shows signs of inequality by the way peopleRead MoreSocial Inequality And Gender Inequality Essay2163 Words   |  9 Pagesn AmericaSocial inequality is defined as the set of unequal for different social classes or statuses for various individuals within a group or society. It usually refers to people of distinct genders, ages and ethnicities. Many American’s have experienced some type of social inequality throughout their lifetime. America’s gaping inequality is seen everywhere from education to the workforce. Society tends to oversee inequality based on race, gender, and other social characteristics believe that racialRead MoreSocial Inequality And Gender Inequality Essay2091 Words   |  9 PagesSocial inequality is defined as the set of unequal opportunities for different social classes or statuses for various individuals within a group or society. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Should a Concealed Weapons License Be Allowed in the U.S. Free Essays

string(72) " in preventing the wrong hands in acquiring a concealed weapon license\." As citizens of the United States, we have the option if deemed necessary to possess a weapon and use it for self-defense. The Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution, second amendment states that we have the right to bear and keep arms. Because often high crime rate in some areas may be a reason why a citizen may choose to carry a concealed weapon. We will write a custom essay sample on Should a Concealed Weapons License Be Allowed in the U.S. or any similar topic only for you Order Now Crime is something that looks like it will be an unending situation that is not even close to going away. Possessing a weapon as a use for self-defense will help to protect a citizen when one needs to defend themselves. Others of us feel that firearms play an important role in our lives both from the standpoint of sporting and hunting as well as their application to principles f self-defense particularly when patients represent a high risk population† (Dante, 1996). One may agree that having a concealed weapon would decrease the crime rate but the question is, does it really make a difference? Criminals have a choice about committing a crime or not. â€Å"Many believe that restricting access to firearms would result in a decrease in crime, especially violent crime. Others believe that restricting access to guns would have little to no effect on crime rates and would only trample the rights of US citizens to possess guns† (Gigs, 2009). Owning a gun is seed primarily for self-defense against a criminal and not to mention animals that are out of control. We Just need to keep in mind that a weapon is not a toy and that there are consequences to pay if not used correctly. Each individual state has its own laws on carrying a concealed weapon. Depending on which state that a citizen is a resident of is where it is based on whether a citizen can carry a concealed weapon permit. The different permits for carrying concealed weapons among states are shall-issue, may-issue, and right denied. Something to be aware about a concealed weapon permit is not all state permits are honored in another state. For example, if one were to get a concealed weapons permit in California the permit will not be honored in Nevada. There are some advantages and disadvantages when it comes to being allowed to carry a concealed weapon and reasons why some of these laws may or may not be so lenient. Some states like Texas and Florida are liberalizing the laws for carrying a concealed weapon. Some states are tightening or toughening up the laws concerning obtaining a concealed weapon. These include Massachusetts and New York† (Dante, 1996). All citizens should have the right to carry within limitations. Is it true that there is a relationship between right to carry individuals and increase in violent crime? In Citizen defend thyself,: it states that the relationship between right to carry and high crime rates are actually lowered (Hood, 2009). GAO reports that as of March 2012, the right to carry law is currently allowed in all states, except Illinois. The laws aiding these states allow right to carry laws, and the argument still is skeptical of the research behind the tolerance of this law. Despite the research that points to the conclusion that violence is variable, public suspicion points that violence increases with the ability of a citizen to carry concealed arms. However, according to GAO, the amount of individuals issued concealed weapons permit is 8 million citizens. The United States census states the population of the United States currently as 314,441,706; the relationship displays that less than 3% of the overall population maintains a concealed weapons permit. The majority of the population does not carry a concealed weapon license. The relationship between the aspect of increased violent crime and right to carry does not seem substantiated u to such a low national ratio of concealed weapons license. In actuality, this will show that right carry laws provide a direct impact on preventing violent crimes than the assumption otherwise. Individuals need to base their priority on obtaining a concealed weapon’s license on specific criteria. Each state varies on issuing a weapon’s permit, background checks must be completed, and the extent of the background check varies with the state. According to Hood, right to carry laws should be evaluated on an individual basis, based on the area he or she is in, consistency of ravel, and prior background. The amount of applications that are denied a concealed permit is under the complete discretion of the state. Depending if the state has a may issue or shall-issue permit law, the discretion is normally used on the cause for the applicant. Hood explained that most applicants that apply for concealed weapon license is due to the fact of personal protection from a prior experience as a crime victim. A victim that has been directly affected by a violent crime may never feel safe without a concealed weapon at his or her side. A concealed weapon will be useful to he applicant if he or she has received threats or lives in a high crime area. If the individual lives in a high area of crime, the relationship between fear of a crime and when a crime will be committed is Just reason for the citizen to be granted a permit. In California, â€Å"issuing authorities (local law enforcement) told us that an example of a good cause is a business owner who may regularly retain cash on-hand used to pay employees. â€Å"(GAO, 2012, p. 13) How frequently an individual travels with a concealed weapon is also a basis of Judgment to consider issuing permits. If the individual’s behavior produces an unwillingness to leave a weapon at home instead of carrying it across state repeatedly, this might show that in reality the person is not concealing a weapon Just in the high rate of crime area. This basis will work more effectively in preventing the wrong hands in acquiring a concealed weapon license. You read "Should a Concealed Weapons License Be Allowed in the U.S." in category "Papers" Simple background checks in some states such as Colorado, allow us to rethink the policies to issue weapons to the general public. The necessity of right to carry and conceal on an individual basis will help avoid tragedies and catastrophe that shame our moral obligation to society’s welfare. Right to carry laws does not interfere or cause violent crime in society. The presumption of citizens that carry a concealed weapon is the cause of society violent behavior need to be reevaluated based on research in high rate areas. The most important reason all citizens should have the right to carry arms based on an individual basis is because the passage of right to carry law actually lowers the incident of violent crime. Hood also explains that in New Orleans, the percentage of concealed weapons’ carriers and the relationship to high crime is lowered in the eyes off permit holder. The use of a scientific survey to the general population in New Orleans shows most evidentially when questioned if their city was below the national crime average. In Hood’s survey, 33% of non-permit holders believed it was lower, while 38% of permit holders believed their city was below the national average. However, the fact remains that the effects of right to carry laws vary across time, geographic context, and by the type of crime. Citizens are the variable in each equation and if you isolate all violent crimes into one group it would not benefit the scientific research inhibited concealed weapons. This relationship is caused by the type of crime, for instance an individual that was mugged will have a different experience if someone was sexually assaulted or raped. In Crime in economics and states, it explains that crime is subject also to the economic state of the country, not just type of crime. If a country economic state is poor, you would most likely see a reaction by an increase in theft. (Bessie, 1999) Obtaining a concealed license and the type of crime has to be evaluated and determined if the crime was avoided or it was cause of the crime. Citizens that can carry a concealed weapon feel safer in high rime areas. The disadvantage of others that may be harmed due to the fact of a concealed weapon on person is the state of mind of the carrier. However, in light of concealed permit holders state of mind, this group feels the area around them is a much safer place than without a concealed weapon. The reality of Justifying good cause for a moral individual to be issued a concealed weapons permit will be a deterrent for violent crime to occur. Why is Japan considered to be the safest country? In Japan the crime rate is not so high and Japanese citizens can leave a bicycle unlocked without worrying about someone stealing it. The Japanese Justice Ministry’s Research and Training Institute has, in its 1977 â€Å"White Paper on Crime,† compared domestic crime rates to those abroad and says that Japan is by far the safest industrialized nation in the world† (Douglas, 1977). Japan is known to be a safe place with less crime compared to the United States. Japan’s gun-related crime rate is only eleven deaths per year which is unbelievable when we look at the crime rate in the United States. The only weapons that are allowed in Japan are air guns and shotguns. The process to get a gun is rather lengthy. Japanese law, however, tarts with the 1958 act stating that â€Å"No person shall possess a firearm or firearms or a sword or swords,† later adding a few exceptions. (Fisher, 2012). To acquire a gun, a Japanese citizen needs to go through a one day class and passing a written test, passing a shooting range class, mental fitness and drug testing by a medical check- up. The medical reports need to be filed with the police. There is also a criminal background check that is required for the air gun or shotgun. Once all the requirements are met, you would need to provide all the necessary documentation on where the gun will be kept and locked in the house. The police are required to inspect the gun every year while re-taking a class and test every three years. The process is difficult and in my opinion would discourage a Japanese citizen from having a gun. Japanese citizens do not seem to have any issues about their gun laws. The gun control and laws are stricter in Japan, forbidding sales and buying of handguns, small-caliber rifles, and toy guns. A Japanese citizen could be charged with holding a gun, possessing and shooting unlicensed bullets if they were to shoot a gun. Although Japanese citizens are limited to owning air guns and shot guns, enforcing a concealed weapons license may not be something that Japanese citizens would consider because their police force takes care of their Job in a manner that one would not require one to own a handgun. Japan enjoys one other benefit that may be related to the low crime rate, an efficient police force and a tradition of citizen cooperation, which help give the country the highest arrest rate, relative to crimes committed, of all advanced nations† (Fisher, 2012). In conclusion, the fact remains that the effect of right to carry law varies across time, geographic context, and by the type of crime. All citizens should have the right to carry arms within l imitation for two main reasons. First, right to carry law should be evaluated on an individual basis based on area he or she in is, consistency of travel, and prior background. But most importantly, the passage of the right to carry law lowers the incident of violent crimes. â€Å"As the respective examples of Luxembourg and Russia suggest, the kinds of people who murder will either find guns despite severe controls or will find other weapons with which to kill† (Amuser, 2006). The majority of people that apply for the concealed weapons licenses have been victims of crime. Owners of a concealed weapons license typically view their society a safer place. Plainsman (n. D. ) states â€Å"Robbery rates in right-to carry states were rising until the laws were passed and then fell continually after that point. Is there a â€Å"Robbery Effect If a person is unstable, then most likely they will not be able to complete the process to obtain a concealed carry license. It’s not the license that causes crime, but it’s the person’s mentality. According to â€Å"The First Decade Of The Tennessee Handgun Permit Law Shows Very Good Results By Legally Armed Citizens In Tennessee† (2004), â€Å"There are o incidents that can be found where in a defensive incident a Tennessee Handgun Permit Holder shot or wounded in some manner, any innocent person. There are a number of defensive incidents where a Tennessee Handgun Permit Holder used his or her pistol to defend themselves or another party but, only the aggressor was harmed. † (Self-Defense Incidents Also Reflect Good Results). Q). If a no concealed carry law passes then that’s only going to stop the law abiding citizens, not the criminals. Just because a person has a license to carry a concealed weapon, does not cause violent crime in society. Crime is created by the state of mind of the person with the weapon, not by the legality of owning a weapon. How to cite Should a Concealed Weapons License Be Allowed in the U.S., Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Realism vs romanticism in Arms and Man free essay sample

Love and war are two concerns which are often regarded as societal ideals. George Bernard Shaw’s Arms and the Man is a pleasant and humorous attack on both. Shaw uses humor as â€Å"a vehicle of thought† thus tending to â€Å"obscure his subtle satire on war and the genteel classes and his exploration of the romantic-realist spectrum in human disposition† (Davis 274). These romantic ideals make up the essence of the play’s satirical instances and develop the theme of realism. Shaw satirizes romanticism within Arms and the Man by contrasting romantic idealism and realism. Throughout the play an underlying conflict is seen between romanticism and realism within the characters. The two men that come into Raina’s life are representations of this conflict. Sergius depicts the passionate, impulsive, romantic war hero, while Bluntschli characterizes the practical, strong-minded professional soldier. Shaw’s portrayal of his characters is a very important aspect of his writing. We will write a custom essay sample on Realism vs romanticism in Arms and Man or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page â€Å"He is not interested in man’s eternal nature but in his changeability. His characters are full of contradiction imposed on them by the environment† (Davis 459). Change is seen in Arms and the Man with practically every character. The only static character is Bluntschli as he represents what the rest of the characters will attain by the end of the play: realism. Several instances in the play establish the character’s ideals. One example exists in the first act as Raina confesses to her mother. â€Å"It came into my head just as he [Sergius] was holding me in his arms and looking into my eyes, that perhaps we only had our heroic ideas because we are so fond of reading Byron and Pushkin, and because we were so delighted with the opera that season at Bucharest† (Shaw 7). This â€Å"ironic speech prepares the audience for her later self-discoveries in the play† (Gibbs 76-77). Likewise, at the end of the play as Sergius and Raina’s love is faltering we see Sergius’ lack of comprehending a life without romanticism in his confession to Raina (Gibbs 76), â€Å"Raina: our romance is shattered. Life’s a farce† (Shaw 67). Sergius represents the romantic ideal that the society of the time agreed with. He is an officer in the Bulgarian army and on the victorious side of the battle. Since Bluntschli is a soldier in the enemy regiment, he represents the opposing idea of realism. Raina struggles with her inappropriate fascination with realistic Bluntschli when the â€Å"sensible† choice is obviously Sergius. As her experiences within the play lead her away from naivete, she chooses Bluntschli against the Bulgarian society. The established plot of Arms and the Man thus becomes a contrast between romantic idealism and realism. â€Å"Instead of the romance of conventional fiction, it offers the romance of reality, of the discovery of true feeling their romantic intimacy increasing as her romantic attitudes are progressively discarded† (Gibbs 73). Since Raina has never experienced a man such as Bluntschli she is amazed at his behavior toward her: Raina: Do you know, you are the first man who did not take me seriously? Bluntschli: You mean, don’t you, that I am the first man that has ever taken you quite seriously? Raina: Yes: I suppose I do mean that. How strange it is to be talked to in such a way! (Shaw 55). In contrast to what most audiences see in Arms and the Man, Shaw does not simply negate romance. He presents â€Å"A rejuvenation of a typical romance structure, by attaching to well-tried dramatic situations an unconventional set of values and affirmations† (Gibbs 73). The attraction between Bluntschli and Raina therefore exists as a romance built upon Bluntschli’s common sense and matter-of-fact manner, as opposed to Sergius’ dashing heroic behaviors and impulses. In the setting of late 1800s Bulgarian society, Raina is the epitome of the hypocritical romantic figure, â€Å"Oh, to think that it was all true! that the world is really a glorious world for women who can see its glory and men who can act its romance! What happiness! What unspeakable fulfillment† (Shaw 8)! The romanticism she believes in is not real; indeed, it is an appealing facade. â€Å"Romance in Shaw’s plays depends on reality for its basis† (Deaton 30). What develops between Raina and Bluntschli is a romance based on realism, not idealism. Raina loses her facade in the third act while talking to Bluntschli: Raina: You know, I’ve always gone on like that. Bluntschli: You mean the-? Raina: I mean the noble attitude and the thrilling voice. [They laugh together]. I did it when I was a tiny child to my nurse. She believed in it. I do it before my parents. They believe in it. I do it before Sergius. He believes in it I suppose, now you’ve found me out, you despise me. Bluntschli: No my dear young lady I’m your infatuated admirer (Shaw 55-56). While Raina becomes a realist when her romantic illusions deteriorate, Sergius â€Å"blames human nature for failing to live up to his unrealistic ideals, which he uses to screen himself from reality† (Davis 20). His idealism within the play is oblivious to realistic instincts, which accounts for his disenchantment toward Raina when she tries to approach their relationship more realistically (Davis 144). The ending of the play resolves these elements through marriage. Sergius confesses his love for Louka, who is in fact a realist with â€Å"romantic ambitions† (Davis 274). Louka thus serves as a foil character for Raina who is a romantic idealist turned realist. In several of Shaw’s plays there is a reversal of expectations, where the upsetting of a conventional idea leads to a more realistic idea (Popkin 353). This is shown in Arms and the Man as the overthrowing of romantic idealism leads to realism. Shaw’s anti-romanticism is seen in the reversal of roles with Bluntschli and Sergius. Raina chooses the professional soldier over the ideal lover and Sergius chooses the servant girl over his affianced lover (Popkin 353). However, Shaw’s plays do not lack passion though they mock romanticism. On the contrary, â€Å"Shaw’s passionate involvement with ideas made his plays passionate and even poetic† (Popkin 353). Therefore the satire used in the play is simply a device for explaining the philosophy of realism. Most of the humor in the play is from the deflation of romantic ideals of love and war (Gibbs 69). The conception of love in Arms and the Man is free from illusion and strictly based on reality. Thus the play becomes a humorous yet accurate account of a love story. Reality serves as the underlying theme in the play. â€Å"Reality, as he [Shaw] truly says, being the one thing which the majority of playgoers wish to escape from† (Deaton 30). Shaw suffices a philosopher’s urge to get to realities. In the process of dismissing romanticism, the play does not become empty. Instead, it shows â€Å"the possibilities of deeper and more meaningful forms of intimacy† (Gibbs 74). The idealization of love is destroyed in Arms and the Man and raised in its place is the philosophy of realism.