Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Ideal Son A Short Story The Prodigal Son - 978 Words

Have you ever felt as if your parent has a favorite child? Well, in the Prodigal Son, you can’t help but wonder if there is a little game of favorites being played between his two sons. The story is basically about one of the prodigal’s son wanting to leave home and he agreed and gave him a certain amount of money but he ends up blowing it all and coming back home. On the other hand the older son has been working his whole life and not once asked for any money nor left. The messages can vary from trust to responsibility, especially with the father allowing the youngest to leave the house with a certain amount of money and then blowing it as soon as he left. In the story The Prodigal Son there are many messages and throughout the rest of†¦show more content†¦The second message is from the younger son, he is pretty spoiled but he is also the youngest one, he was given the chance to go out and live on his own but he blew it. â€Å"Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me.† The younger son was asking his father to give him his half of the money that he had planned on giving to his sons when he passed but the youngest wanted it now so he could leave home. Though he is the youngest and parents do tend to spoil their youngest, in this case, he shouldn’t have been rewarded if you will with a party, he should have been punished. â€Å"In this parable, the younger of two sons becomes unsettled with life on the family estate and requests his share of the inheritance, only to squander it recklessly in a foreign land† (Forbes, Greg. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society; Lynchburg). 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