Monday, March 2, 2020

The Most Intelligent Social Promotion Tool Youll Ever Use - CoSchedule

The Most Intelligent Social Promotion Tool Youll Ever Use You + social automation have a love/hate relationship†¦ You love the idea of setting up a social campaign ONCE and letting it run on autopilot†¦ (while reaping the amazing benefits of a consistent, relevant, and timely social schedule) BUTlet’s be real. Your â€Å"social automation reality† looks more like: running to delete those 15 identical messages that just spammed your FB, Insta, and Pinterest audiences†¦ doing damage control when that poorly timed, â€Å"Why Prince Is Overrated† post went out the weekend of his memorial celebration (facepalm) †¦and working overtime when those â€Å"make life easier† auto-schedule messages trumped  your more relevant and timely campaigns. You see, here’s the problem: Most social automation doesn’t take into account the intelligent (or maybe not so intelligent) beings around them. They can’t react, recalibrate, or anticipate changes. They don’t KNOW  when to send messages (at the most optimal times) And quite franklythey’re just dumb. Which is why we created ReQueue, the only social automation tool with built-in intelligence. Say goodbye to spamming your audience†¦ Duplicate posts†¦ AND badly timed social campaigns! With ReQueue, you really can streamline your social strategy Cos’ unlike other social automation tools, ReQueue interacts with the rest of your social schedule. It takes into account everything you’ve got on the calendar, promotes your content at the most optimal times, AND recalibrates when you’ve got other campaigns going out at the same time (no duplicate efforts)! This Is The Most Intelligent Social Promotion Tool Youll EVER UseWIth ReQueue, you can: Set it forget it (with confidence).  Social automation is supposed to simplify your life (not add work to it). With ReQueue- the ONLY intelligent social automation tool on the web- you can set your best social messages on autopilot, and know with confidence your messages are sent to the right places (at the right time)with minimal effort. Automatically re-use your best social messages (without the manual work). ReQueue fills in the gaps of your daily schedule with real smarts, not  manual guesses! It takes into account your entire social schedule, uses Best Time Scheduling intelligence to promote your messages at the most optimal times AND intelligently finds the gaps in your schedule (so you don’t have to). Get more mileage out of your messages. The average lifespan of a single social message is mere minutes, so why are you only sharing it once? Craft your messages, add them to ReQueue, and let re-share them at the most optimal posting frequency. So, no matter what you’ve got on the roadmap, rest assured, your social schedule is always timely, always relevant†¦ and always intelligent. Set It Forget It (With Confidence) You’ve heard stories about #automation fails (or worse, experienced one yourself!) *Think Roomba + Dog Poop disaster circa 2016* And the worst part of the #automation fail isn’t necessarily the fail itself†¦ (although, ew†¦) It’s that someone PAID for something that was supposed to make their life easier. When in reality†¦ It only made things a million times more complicated. 😕 Automation is supposed to simplify your life†¦ (not add work to it) Which means the same sentiment should hold true when it comes to automating your social media! With ReQueue- the ONLY intelligent social automation tool on the web- you can set your best social messages on autopilot, and know with confidence your messages are sent to the right places (at the right time)with minimal effort. ReQueue:The Basics No one likes to page through setup manuals larger than college textbooks†¦ #snoozefest If automation is supposed to make your life easier†¦ it should be easy to set up AND even easier to understand how it works! So before we dive right in, here’s a high level overview of ReQueue (aka the basics) for you skimmer’s out there: Schedule social messages directly on your calendar. Add your best messages to ReQueue for reuse later on. ReQueue automatically fills gaps in your social schedule. ^^Easy, right? And now that you know the basics, let’s run through *exactly* how to set up ReQueue! 👠 How To Setup ReQueue Because automation should be all about keepin’ it simple here are the seven  (not one hundred million *cough*) steps it takes to set up ReQueue: Step One: Enable ReQueue on your calendar. Step Two: Select your sending frequency  (when you want ReQueue to fill in the gaps in your social schedule). Step Three: Decide message sending limits  (how often you want ReQueue to reuse a specific message in a month). Step Four: Select the social profiles  you want ReQueue to use and how often you want messages to send from each profile. Step Five: Create your ReQueue groups  (use these to organize your ReQueue messages into categories). Step Six: Add some high-performing messages to ReQueue. (More on that later). Step Seven: And finally†¦.set it and forget it! ^^Yep. Set it and FORGET IT. Because ReQueue is more than just an automation tool that’s easy to setup†¦ it’s also SMART. It talks to your social strategy, and then recalibrates! Which means you don’t have to constantly check in and make sure it’s still working correctly. Saving you time†¦ AND your sanity. #boom And now that you know how to setup ReQueue (knowing it won’t suddenly malfunction if you step away for two seconds) †¦you can *FINALLY* streamline your social strategy + focus on the important stuff (thanks to SMART automation that won’t let you down). Automatically Re-Use Your Best Social Messages (Without The Manual Work) Remember when you bought a tool that was *supposed* to make your life easier? But when you tried to set it up†¦ you quickly realized that this tool was NOT simple and the worst part†¦ It was NOT going to make your life easier. AKA the â€Å"automatic tool† you bought solve a problem†¦ Was going to require A TON of manual work on your end. *insert headache here* Which is why we created ReQueue a tool that actually  makes your life easier†¦ WITHOUT the manual work! ReQueue fills in the gaps of your daily schedule with real smarts, not  manual guesses! It takes into account your entire social schedule, uses Best Time Scheduling intelligence to promote your messages at the most optimal times AND intelligently finds the gaps in your schedule (so you don’t have to). How ReQueue Fills In The Gaps Here’s the three-step breakdown: ReQueue looks at your ENTIRE social schedule. ReQueue uses Best Time Scheduling (more on that later) intelligence to promote your messages at optimal times. And finally, ReQueue uses that information to intelligently find the gaps in your schedule + fills ‘em (so you don’t have to). Now for a little more info on Best Time Scheduling. ðŸ™Å' Best Time Scheduling is a tool that knows the â€Å"best† time to send messages based on when it will get the most engagement. It was created by analyzing best practices from hundreds of the world’s best marketers, critically assessing the rules + strategies for every social platform, and testing out the perfect times to send a message. AKA, it’s a tool created + tested by marketers backed by REAL data. And since ReQueue uses Best Time Scheduling when filling in the gaps in your social schedule†¦ you can rest assured knowing your messages are always going out at times where you’re likely to get the most clicks, likes, shares. (Driving more traffic to your site, and more $$$ into your pockets). Besides leveraging Best Time Scheduling†¦ ReQueue also uses the social profile sending limits, sending frequency, and message limits YOU defined during setup! ReQueue was designed to be a SMART social automation tool†¦ One that listens to you†¦ Relies on REAL data to make decisions†¦ Can easily recalibrate based on your social schedule And requires ZERO manual work on your end. 👠 Get More Mileage Out Of Your Messages Think about all the time you spend creating + curating your social media content. Writing engaging, relevant, and meaningful copy Finding the *best* photo†¦ Assembling all your messages into perfect little packages†¦ And then scheduling them out to be delivered (with love) to each social network. But once you’ve sent them out They quickly  drop into social media oblivion (aka the very bottom of a newsfeed)†¦ †¦just hours or even minutes  after they are posted. The average lifespan of a single social message is mere minutes, so why are you only sharing it once? Well, thanks to your favorite social automation tool†¦ You can craft social messages, add them to ReQueue, and let re-share them at the most optimal posting frequency! Which means you get more mileage out of your messages AND some major time back on your calendar for the thousand things on your to-do list. *woop woop!* Now you might be wonderingwhat messages belong in ReQueue? The answer: your best, highest converting, most engaging messages should be added to ReQueue! (Pro tip: Make sure it’s  a combination of evergreen, original, and curated content to create a good mix). Having trouble figuring out which messages are your top performers? Head to your Social Engagement Report! Here you can see your top performing messages, what networks they were sent to, and which social profile was used, and easily add them to ReQueue with just a couple clicks. There are no limits or requirements to what messages you can add to ReQueue, so feel free to add new messages to ReQueue, too! As long as you create a good mix, you’re good to go. ðŸ™Å' You + social automation USED to have a love/hate relationship†¦ But with ReQueue†¦ You really can streamline your social strategy! Say goodbye to spamming your audience†¦ Duplicate posts†¦ AND badly timed social campaigns! Because now you’ve got  the smartest social automation tool around. One that interacts with the rest of your social schedule†¦ Takes into account everything you’ve got on the calendar†¦ Promotes your content at the most optimal times†¦ AND recalibrates when you’ve got other campaigns going out at the same time (no duplicate efforts)! So, no matter what you’ve got on the roadmap†¦ Rest assured, with ReQueue, your social schedule is always timely, always relevant†¦ and always intelligent.

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