Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Ideal Son A Short Story The Prodigal Son - 978 Words

Have you ever felt as if your parent has a favorite child? Well, in the Prodigal Son, you can’t help but wonder if there is a little game of favorites being played between his two sons. The story is basically about one of the prodigal’s son wanting to leave home and he agreed and gave him a certain amount of money but he ends up blowing it all and coming back home. On the other hand the older son has been working his whole life and not once asked for any money nor left. The messages can vary from trust to responsibility, especially with the father allowing the youngest to leave the house with a certain amount of money and then blowing it as soon as he left. In the story The Prodigal Son there are many messages and throughout the rest of†¦show more content†¦The second message is from the younger son, he is pretty spoiled but he is also the youngest one, he was given the chance to go out and live on his own but he blew it. â€Å"Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me.† The younger son was asking his father to give him his half of the money that he had planned on giving to his sons when he passed but the youngest wanted it now so he could leave home. Though he is the youngest and parents do tend to spoil their youngest, in this case, he shouldn’t have been rewarded if you will with a party, he should have been punished. â€Å"In this parable, the younger of two sons becomes unsettled with life on the family estate and requests his share of the inheritance, only to squander it recklessly in a foreign land† (Forbes, Greg. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society; Lynchburg). He wasn’t being responsible when he was given however much money his father offered to him and left the house and not to mention he was basically demanding that he leaves the house as soon as possible. He didn’t really learn a single lesson when his father ended up throwing a party for him. â€Å"But do I truly w ant to be restored to the full responsibility of theShow MoreRelated Essay on Punishment and the Prodigal Son of The Holy Bible692 Words   |  3 PagesPunishment and the Prodigal Son    In American Society today, there exists a feeling that those who have transgressed, whether against individuals, family members, or society at large, need to be held responsible for their actions. The more severe the transgression, the more severe the punishment. It is not unheard of in these times, for example, that a parent may let his or her child spend a few nights in jail in order to teach them a lesson. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Gender Inequality - 1369 Words

Gender inequality has been a long standing issue throughout history. While for some people there is no gender inequality at the workforce some studies and research have shown the contrary. Despite the effort to combat gender discrepancies at the workplace gender equity has yet not being reached. Gender itself plays an important role at the workforce because some people stereotype a person according to their gender and not by their capacity. Stereotypes are characteristics attributed to people based on their membership in a social group (Gungor and Biernat, 2008).Women are perceived as more caring, submissive and less assertive/ambitious while widely held attributes of men include dominance, and leadership. These attributes perceived on†¦show more content†¦Single mothers’ income was 21% lower that of single fathers in 2010. Moreover, studies have shown that single mothers are more likely than single fathers to be in poverty that other US households. Employed single mo thers are more frequently judged harsh that employed fathers. Employed fathers are regarded as better parents and more professionally competent than employed mothers (Etaugh Folger, 1998). They are regarded as better fathers because they go to work to sustain their children and seek their professional ambitions, but when a mother goes to work and seeks her professional ambition is frowned up because women are stereotyped and think that women should stay home and care for their children. Furthermore, women who are pregnant or have two children are less likely to be hired or promoted because for some employers it shows lack of commitment (Fuegen et al., 2004). Others studies state that disparities in income can be explain through the Human Capital Theory which refers to the knowledge , personal and social attributes that an individual posses. One of this attributes apply the type of education one has and how it can help on the job desired. But, despite the education one has when it c omes to explaining the gender pay gap the experience is what remains at the top in explaining it. Although today there are mothers on the job they still have less job experience than non-mothers or men because they have to takeShow MoreRelatedEssay On Gender Inequality1127 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"superior† race/gender of a white male were typically treated as if they were less. Women and African-Americans aren’t being treated as bad today, but they’re still being treated worse than the white males of society. Even today, when white males are typically the leaders of society, it’s not always race and gender that creates inequality; sometimes it’s money that creates the issue. Not just from past evidence, but from present evidence as well, America shows signs of inequality by the way peopleRead MoreSocial Inequality And Gender Inequality Essay2163 Words   |  9 Pagesn AmericaSocial inequality is defined as the set of unequal for different social classes or statuses for various individuals within a group or society. It usually refers to people of distinct genders, ages and ethnicities. Many American’s have experienced some type of social inequality throughout their lifetime. America’s gaping inequality is seen everywhere from education to the workforce. Society tends to oversee inequality based on race, gender, and other social characteristics believe that racialRead MoreSocial Inequality And Gender Inequality Essay2091 Words   |  9 PagesSocial inequality is defined as the set of unequal opportunities for different social classes or statuses for various individuals within a group or society. It usually refers to people of distinct genders, ages, and ethnicities. Many American’s have experienced some type of social inequality throughout their lifetime. America’s gaping inequality is seen everywhere from education to the workforce. Society tends to oversee inequality based on race, gender, and other social characteristics . AmericansRead MoreGender Inequalities And Gender Inequality922 Words   |  4 PagesGender Inequalities in Education Judge Sonia Sotomayor states, â€Å"Until we get equality in education, we won t have an equal society. That quote resonates throughout the world because of gender inequality in education. Researchers believe gender inequality still exists in the 21st century. Through research, controversial opinions exist about inequality in schools and what has been done to address this situation. What is gender equality? 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Should a Concealed Weapons License Be Allowed in the U.S. Free Essays

string(72) " in preventing the wrong hands in acquiring a concealed weapon license\." As citizens of the United States, we have the option if deemed necessary to possess a weapon and use it for self-defense. The Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution, second amendment states that we have the right to bear and keep arms. Because often high crime rate in some areas may be a reason why a citizen may choose to carry a concealed weapon. We will write a custom essay sample on Should a Concealed Weapons License Be Allowed in the U.S. or any similar topic only for you Order Now Crime is something that looks like it will be an unending situation that is not even close to going away. Possessing a weapon as a use for self-defense will help to protect a citizen when one needs to defend themselves. Others of us feel that firearms play an important role in our lives both from the standpoint of sporting and hunting as well as their application to principles f self-defense particularly when patients represent a high risk population† (Dante, 1996). One may agree that having a concealed weapon would decrease the crime rate but the question is, does it really make a difference? Criminals have a choice about committing a crime or not. â€Å"Many believe that restricting access to firearms would result in a decrease in crime, especially violent crime. Others believe that restricting access to guns would have little to no effect on crime rates and would only trample the rights of US citizens to possess guns† (Gigs, 2009). Owning a gun is seed primarily for self-defense against a criminal and not to mention animals that are out of control. We Just need to keep in mind that a weapon is not a toy and that there are consequences to pay if not used correctly. Each individual state has its own laws on carrying a concealed weapon. Depending on which state that a citizen is a resident of is where it is based on whether a citizen can carry a concealed weapon permit. The different permits for carrying concealed weapons among states are shall-issue, may-issue, and right denied. Something to be aware about a concealed weapon permit is not all state permits are honored in another state. For example, if one were to get a concealed weapons permit in California the permit will not be honored in Nevada. There are some advantages and disadvantages when it comes to being allowed to carry a concealed weapon and reasons why some of these laws may or may not be so lenient. Some states like Texas and Florida are liberalizing the laws for carrying a concealed weapon. Some states are tightening or toughening up the laws concerning obtaining a concealed weapon. These include Massachusetts and New York† (Dante, 1996). All citizens should have the right to carry within limitations. Is it true that there is a relationship between right to carry individuals and increase in violent crime? In Citizen defend thyself,: it states that the relationship between right to carry and high crime rates are actually lowered (Hood, 2009). GAO reports that as of March 2012, the right to carry law is currently allowed in all states, except Illinois. The laws aiding these states allow right to carry laws, and the argument still is skeptical of the research behind the tolerance of this law. Despite the research that points to the conclusion that violence is variable, public suspicion points that violence increases with the ability of a citizen to carry concealed arms. However, according to GAO, the amount of individuals issued concealed weapons permit is 8 million citizens. The United States census states the population of the United States currently as 314,441,706; the relationship displays that less than 3% of the overall population maintains a concealed weapons permit. The majority of the population does not carry a concealed weapon license. The relationship between the aspect of increased violent crime and right to carry does not seem substantiated u to such a low national ratio of concealed weapons license. In actuality, this will show that right carry laws provide a direct impact on preventing violent crimes than the assumption otherwise. Individuals need to base their priority on obtaining a concealed weapon’s license on specific criteria. Each state varies on issuing a weapon’s permit, background checks must be completed, and the extent of the background check varies with the state. According to Hood, right to carry laws should be evaluated on an individual basis, based on the area he or she is in, consistency of ravel, and prior background. The amount of applications that are denied a concealed permit is under the complete discretion of the state. Depending if the state has a may issue or shall-issue permit law, the discretion is normally used on the cause for the applicant. Hood explained that most applicants that apply for concealed weapon license is due to the fact of personal protection from a prior experience as a crime victim. A victim that has been directly affected by a violent crime may never feel safe without a concealed weapon at his or her side. A concealed weapon will be useful to he applicant if he or she has received threats or lives in a high crime area. If the individual lives in a high area of crime, the relationship between fear of a crime and when a crime will be committed is Just reason for the citizen to be granted a permit. In California, â€Å"issuing authorities (local law enforcement) told us that an example of a good cause is a business owner who may regularly retain cash on-hand used to pay employees. â€Å"(GAO, 2012, p. 13) How frequently an individual travels with a concealed weapon is also a basis of Judgment to consider issuing permits. If the individual’s behavior produces an unwillingness to leave a weapon at home instead of carrying it across state repeatedly, this might show that in reality the person is not concealing a weapon Just in the high rate of crime area. This basis will work more effectively in preventing the wrong hands in acquiring a concealed weapon license. You read "Should a Concealed Weapons License Be Allowed in the U.S." in category "Papers" Simple background checks in some states such as Colorado, allow us to rethink the policies to issue weapons to the general public. The necessity of right to carry and conceal on an individual basis will help avoid tragedies and catastrophe that shame our moral obligation to society’s welfare. Right to carry laws does not interfere or cause violent crime in society. The presumption of citizens that carry a concealed weapon is the cause of society violent behavior need to be reevaluated based on research in high rate areas. The most important reason all citizens should have the right to carry arms based on an individual basis is because the passage of right to carry law actually lowers the incident of violent crime. Hood also explains that in New Orleans, the percentage of concealed weapons’ carriers and the relationship to high crime is lowered in the eyes off permit holder. The use of a scientific survey to the general population in New Orleans shows most evidentially when questioned if their city was below the national crime average. In Hood’s survey, 33% of non-permit holders believed it was lower, while 38% of permit holders believed their city was below the national average. However, the fact remains that the effects of right to carry laws vary across time, geographic context, and by the type of crime. Citizens are the variable in each equation and if you isolate all violent crimes into one group it would not benefit the scientific research inhibited concealed weapons. This relationship is caused by the type of crime, for instance an individual that was mugged will have a different experience if someone was sexually assaulted or raped. In Crime in economics and states, it explains that crime is subject also to the economic state of the country, not just type of crime. If a country economic state is poor, you would most likely see a reaction by an increase in theft. (Bessie, 1999) Obtaining a concealed license and the type of crime has to be evaluated and determined if the crime was avoided or it was cause of the crime. Citizens that can carry a concealed weapon feel safer in high rime areas. The disadvantage of others that may be harmed due to the fact of a concealed weapon on person is the state of mind of the carrier. However, in light of concealed permit holders state of mind, this group feels the area around them is a much safer place than without a concealed weapon. The reality of Justifying good cause for a moral individual to be issued a concealed weapons permit will be a deterrent for violent crime to occur. Why is Japan considered to be the safest country? In Japan the crime rate is not so high and Japanese citizens can leave a bicycle unlocked without worrying about someone stealing it. The Japanese Justice Ministry’s Research and Training Institute has, in its 1977 â€Å"White Paper on Crime,† compared domestic crime rates to those abroad and says that Japan is by far the safest industrialized nation in the world† (Douglas, 1977). Japan is known to be a safe place with less crime compared to the United States. Japan’s gun-related crime rate is only eleven deaths per year which is unbelievable when we look at the crime rate in the United States. The only weapons that are allowed in Japan are air guns and shotguns. The process to get a gun is rather lengthy. Japanese law, however, tarts with the 1958 act stating that â€Å"No person shall possess a firearm or firearms or a sword or swords,† later adding a few exceptions. (Fisher, 2012). To acquire a gun, a Japanese citizen needs to go through a one day class and passing a written test, passing a shooting range class, mental fitness and drug testing by a medical check- up. The medical reports need to be filed with the police. There is also a criminal background check that is required for the air gun or shotgun. Once all the requirements are met, you would need to provide all the necessary documentation on where the gun will be kept and locked in the house. The police are required to inspect the gun every year while re-taking a class and test every three years. The process is difficult and in my opinion would discourage a Japanese citizen from having a gun. Japanese citizens do not seem to have any issues about their gun laws. The gun control and laws are stricter in Japan, forbidding sales and buying of handguns, small-caliber rifles, and toy guns. A Japanese citizen could be charged with holding a gun, possessing and shooting unlicensed bullets if they were to shoot a gun. Although Japanese citizens are limited to owning air guns and shot guns, enforcing a concealed weapons license may not be something that Japanese citizens would consider because their police force takes care of their Job in a manner that one would not require one to own a handgun. Japan enjoys one other benefit that may be related to the low crime rate, an efficient police force and a tradition of citizen cooperation, which help give the country the highest arrest rate, relative to crimes committed, of all advanced nations† (Fisher, 2012). In conclusion, the fact remains that the effect of right to carry law varies across time, geographic context, and by the type of crime. All citizens should have the right to carry arms within l imitation for two main reasons. First, right to carry law should be evaluated on an individual basis based on area he or she in is, consistency of travel, and prior background. But most importantly, the passage of the right to carry law lowers the incident of violent crimes. â€Å"As the respective examples of Luxembourg and Russia suggest, the kinds of people who murder will either find guns despite severe controls or will find other weapons with which to kill† (Amuser, 2006). The majority of people that apply for the concealed weapons licenses have been victims of crime. Owners of a concealed weapons license typically view their society a safer place. Plainsman (n. D. ) states â€Å"Robbery rates in right-to carry states were rising until the laws were passed and then fell continually after that point. Is there a â€Å"Robbery Effect If a person is unstable, then most likely they will not be able to complete the process to obtain a concealed carry license. It’s not the license that causes crime, but it’s the person’s mentality. According to â€Å"The First Decade Of The Tennessee Handgun Permit Law Shows Very Good Results By Legally Armed Citizens In Tennessee† (2004), â€Å"There are o incidents that can be found where in a defensive incident a Tennessee Handgun Permit Holder shot or wounded in some manner, any innocent person. There are a number of defensive incidents where a Tennessee Handgun Permit Holder used his or her pistol to defend themselves or another party but, only the aggressor was harmed. † (Self-Defense Incidents Also Reflect Good Results). Q). If a no concealed carry law passes then that’s only going to stop the law abiding citizens, not the criminals. Just because a person has a license to carry a concealed weapon, does not cause violent crime in society. Crime is created by the state of mind of the person with the weapon, not by the legality of owning a weapon. How to cite Should a Concealed Weapons License Be Allowed in the U.S., Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Realism vs romanticism in Arms and Man free essay sample

Love and war are two concerns which are often regarded as societal ideals. George Bernard Shaw’s Arms and the Man is a pleasant and humorous attack on both. Shaw uses humor as â€Å"a vehicle of thought† thus tending to â€Å"obscure his subtle satire on war and the genteel classes and his exploration of the romantic-realist spectrum in human disposition† (Davis 274). These romantic ideals make up the essence of the play’s satirical instances and develop the theme of realism. Shaw satirizes romanticism within Arms and the Man by contrasting romantic idealism and realism. Throughout the play an underlying conflict is seen between romanticism and realism within the characters. The two men that come into Raina’s life are representations of this conflict. Sergius depicts the passionate, impulsive, romantic war hero, while Bluntschli characterizes the practical, strong-minded professional soldier. Shaw’s portrayal of his characters is a very important aspect of his writing. We will write a custom essay sample on Realism vs romanticism in Arms and Man or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page â€Å"He is not interested in man’s eternal nature but in his changeability. His characters are full of contradiction imposed on them by the environment† (Davis 459). Change is seen in Arms and the Man with practically every character. The only static character is Bluntschli as he represents what the rest of the characters will attain by the end of the play: realism. Several instances in the play establish the character’s ideals. One example exists in the first act as Raina confesses to her mother. â€Å"It came into my head just as he [Sergius] was holding me in his arms and looking into my eyes, that perhaps we only had our heroic ideas because we are so fond of reading Byron and Pushkin, and because we were so delighted with the opera that season at Bucharest† (Shaw 7). This â€Å"ironic speech prepares the audience for her later self-discoveries in the play† (Gibbs 76-77). Likewise, at the end of the play as Sergius and Raina’s love is faltering we see Sergius’ lack of comprehending a life without romanticism in his confession to Raina (Gibbs 76), â€Å"Raina: our romance is shattered. Life’s a farce† (Shaw 67). Sergius represents the romantic ideal that the society of the time agreed with. He is an officer in the Bulgarian army and on the victorious side of the battle. Since Bluntschli is a soldier in the enemy regiment, he represents the opposing idea of realism. Raina struggles with her inappropriate fascination with realistic Bluntschli when the â€Å"sensible† choice is obviously Sergius. As her experiences within the play lead her away from naivete, she chooses Bluntschli against the Bulgarian society. The established plot of Arms and the Man thus becomes a contrast between romantic idealism and realism. â€Å"Instead of the romance of conventional fiction, it offers the romance of reality, of the discovery of true feeling their romantic intimacy increasing as her romantic attitudes are progressively discarded† (Gibbs 73). Since Raina has never experienced a man such as Bluntschli she is amazed at his behavior toward her: Raina: Do you know, you are the first man who did not take me seriously? Bluntschli: You mean, don’t you, that I am the first man that has ever taken you quite seriously? Raina: Yes: I suppose I do mean that. How strange it is to be talked to in such a way! (Shaw 55). In contrast to what most audiences see in Arms and the Man, Shaw does not simply negate romance. He presents â€Å"A rejuvenation of a typical romance structure, by attaching to well-tried dramatic situations an unconventional set of values and affirmations† (Gibbs 73). The attraction between Bluntschli and Raina therefore exists as a romance built upon Bluntschli’s common sense and matter-of-fact manner, as opposed to Sergius’ dashing heroic behaviors and impulses. In the setting of late 1800s Bulgarian society, Raina is the epitome of the hypocritical romantic figure, â€Å"Oh, to think that it was all true! that the world is really a glorious world for women who can see its glory and men who can act its romance! What happiness! What unspeakable fulfillment† (Shaw 8)! The romanticism she believes in is not real; indeed, it is an appealing facade. â€Å"Romance in Shaw’s plays depends on reality for its basis† (Deaton 30). What develops between Raina and Bluntschli is a romance based on realism, not idealism. Raina loses her facade in the third act while talking to Bluntschli: Raina: You know, I’ve always gone on like that. Bluntschli: You mean the-? Raina: I mean the noble attitude and the thrilling voice. [They laugh together]. I did it when I was a tiny child to my nurse. She believed in it. I do it before my parents. They believe in it. I do it before Sergius. He believes in it I suppose, now you’ve found me out, you despise me. Bluntschli: No my dear young lady I’m your infatuated admirer (Shaw 55-56). While Raina becomes a realist when her romantic illusions deteriorate, Sergius â€Å"blames human nature for failing to live up to his unrealistic ideals, which he uses to screen himself from reality† (Davis 20). His idealism within the play is oblivious to realistic instincts, which accounts for his disenchantment toward Raina when she tries to approach their relationship more realistically (Davis 144). The ending of the play resolves these elements through marriage. Sergius confesses his love for Louka, who is in fact a realist with â€Å"romantic ambitions† (Davis 274). Louka thus serves as a foil character for Raina who is a romantic idealist turned realist. In several of Shaw’s plays there is a reversal of expectations, where the upsetting of a conventional idea leads to a more realistic idea (Popkin 353). This is shown in Arms and the Man as the overthrowing of romantic idealism leads to realism. Shaw’s anti-romanticism is seen in the reversal of roles with Bluntschli and Sergius. Raina chooses the professional soldier over the ideal lover and Sergius chooses the servant girl over his affianced lover (Popkin 353). However, Shaw’s plays do not lack passion though they mock romanticism. On the contrary, â€Å"Shaw’s passionate involvement with ideas made his plays passionate and even poetic† (Popkin 353). Therefore the satire used in the play is simply a device for explaining the philosophy of realism. Most of the humor in the play is from the deflation of romantic ideals of love and war (Gibbs 69). The conception of love in Arms and the Man is free from illusion and strictly based on reality. Thus the play becomes a humorous yet accurate account of a love story. Reality serves as the underlying theme in the play. â€Å"Reality, as he [Shaw] truly says, being the one thing which the majority of playgoers wish to escape from† (Deaton 30). Shaw suffices a philosopher’s urge to get to realities. In the process of dismissing romanticism, the play does not become empty. Instead, it shows â€Å"the possibilities of deeper and more meaningful forms of intimacy† (Gibbs 74). The idealization of love is destroyed in Arms and the Man and raised in its place is the philosophy of realism.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Langston Hughes And Harlem Renaissance Essays - Harlem Renaissance

Langston Hughes And Harlem Renaissance The Harlem Renaissance brought about many great changes. It was a time for expressing the African-American culture. Many famous people began their writing or gained their recognition during this time. The Harlem Renaissance took place during the 1920's and 1930's. Many things came about during the Harlem Renaissance; things such as jazz and blues, poetry, dance, and musical theater. The African-American way of life became the "thing." Many white people came to discover this newest art, dancing, music, and literature. The Great Migration of African-American people from the rural South to the North, and many into Harlem was the cause of this phenomenon. Harlem was originally a Dutch settlement. Harlem became one of the largest African- American communities in the United States, and during the Harlem Renaissance became a center for art and literature. Many great writers came about during this time, one of which was Langston Hughes. Hughes was born in 1902 with the name James Langston Hughes, and died in 1967. He lived most of his adult life in Harlem. He grew up without a stable family environment. His father moved to Mexico, and he never really saw much of him. Hughes was often referred to as "Harlem's poet" (Haskins 174). Hughes had and still has a great influence on poetry. Hughes poetry was a reflection of the African-American culture and Harlem. He wrote many poems, and continued to write even after the Harlem Renaissance. He loved Harlem that was his home. He watched it decline with the onset of the Great Depression. He saw Harlem turn into a place to be feared by many. It was a sad and dangerous place to be, after the depression. Hughes described the impact of the Great Depression upon African-Americans, "The depression brought everyone down a peg or two. And the Negro had but a few pegs to fall" (Haskins 174). Langston Hughes valued the teaching of children. Many of his poems are children's poems. He often traveled to schools and read his poetry. His first published works were in a children's magazine during the 1920's. He published a book of ABC's called The Sweet and Sour Animal Book. He wanted to inspire the youth, and make them feel good about themselves. He did not only write poetry, but that is what he is famous for. Much of his poetry talks of the hardships, poverty, inequality, etc. of the African-American people. His work has inspired many people, and is read by many students and scholars. He is a great positive role model. I personally love his poetry. It describes these problems within our society that still have yet to be resolved. It opens the reader's eyes to the many disadvantages that many people have suffered through and are still trying to overcome. Hughes writes about how the African-American people have been all over the world. In "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" he talks about them bathing in the Euphrates, building huts by the Congo, and singing of the Mississippi. I think that this poem is showing how these people are everywhere. That in America we act as if they are subordinate, but he is saying to the white people, look at all my race has accomplished. "We" built the pyramids, and we have been around as long as these rivers. This is a positive poem. It does not talk directly about racism nor puts down the white race for being prejudiced (Lauter 1612-13). In the poem, "I, Too" he describes how he is also part of what America is. Even if he is sent to eat in the kitchen, he is as much a part as anyone else. One day he will not be made to hide and eat in the kitchen. One day people will see that African-Americans are beautiful people, and will be ashamed of how they were treated. This poem gives hope to the black community. It makes them yearn for the day when equality will come and racism will end. Too bad that the day has still not yet come in this century (Lauter 1618). In his poem, "Harlem" this is addressed. He wonders what happens to dreams that are deferred. How long must one still dream of something that seems like it will never come. The African-American people have been waiting to be seen as equal for many years, yet it still seems so out of reach. His poetry seems to address this over and over again (Lauter 1619). In "The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain," a

Monday, November 25, 2019

the kingfish essays

the kingfish essays Huey. P. Long was a man to be reckoned with. Regardless of the attitude one takes toward his radical populist politics, it is indisputable that the Kingfish was Louisiana politics from the late 1920s until his assassination in 1935. He remains one of the great political paradoxes of the 20th century, a man who openly believed in using the machinery of state for economic intervention in pursuit of social and political ends...and yet has been hailed as a champion of the little man, enfranchiser of the poor and the disadvantaged (Wall). Contradictory though he was, with the natural gift of cleverness, his proverbial razor-sharp wit, and claimed affinity with the common man, he learned to use and abuse those time-honored methods for ensuring the absolute supremacy of a political machine (Wall). Long managed to secure his position as the virtual dictator of Louisiana through his strong-arm tactics and by using the old southern politics of personality to publicize his war against the established economic hierarchy. Where he diverts from old southern politics is in his focus on issues and his drive to put his policies into practice. At the time of Longs career, Louisiana politics was still very much the politics of poverty and ruralism. Long fed off this condition and delivered his famous Every man a King on February 23, 1934. The speech was the manifesto of the Share Our Wealth Program and represented possibly the most aggressive plan of governmental economic intervention in the history of the United States. The Kingfish wanted the government to confiscate the wealth of the nation's rich and privileged. He called his program Share Our Wealth. It called upon the federal government to guarantee every family in the nation an annual income of $5,000...He also proposed limiting private fortunes to $50 million, legacies to $5 million, and annual incomes t ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Themes and Issues in the Modern Global Economy Research Paper

Themes and Issues in the Modern Global Economy - Research Paper Example As a result, the need to venture into areas where the cost of production is cheaper and easier to market to other areas arises. Despite these merits, the political, economic, social, technological and environmental issues have to be put into consideration and optimally explored to ensure maximum profitability. The country which offers better marketing mix attributes has many multinational companies knocking to invest their resources in order to maximize profitability. One such country is China. The products to be bought are electronics mainly television sets and computers. These two are quite crucial in the everyday life of an American and the rapid technological improvements are making them quite dynamic. This dynamism allows the company to tap into the different market potentials with different marketing mix strategies put into efficient use. International Business International business activities affect many spheres of people’s daily lives. Whether one looks at the product s, services and the impact of each of these, the results are obvious; internationalization of business is imminent. The act of globalization makes business much easier as different agreements and trading blocs allow for greater and easier access to products and services at reduced or subsidized prices. This reduces the cost of production and increases a company’s profitability. Business restrictions are lessened every day with competition spreading on a global scale. The use of currencies is also being harmonized in some trade blocs such as the European Union with political relations being strengthened amongst the principal economic powers. The better relations ensure peace and stability; hence better global economic prospects. This further leads to better trades and economic relations that lead to sound competition and proper utilization of resources. Imports and exports have thus been key determinants of how well a country is performing in terms of its GDP growth and the le vel of economic freedom.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

SPECIAL PROJECT VALUE LINE Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

SPECIAL PROJECT VALUE LINE - Research Paper Example Specifically, theses are the production approach, the expenditure approach, and the income approach. In my forecast, I focused on the real GDP as an indicator of economic growth in the US in 2015. Precisely, this type of the GDP examines a topic of interest to the public as everyone wants to understand the performance of the total goods or service. As an economic indicator, the GDP is imperative because it provides information about the size of the economy as well as its performance (Madigan,  2015). When the GDP experiences a growth rate, it indicates that the economy is in a healthy status. Explained broadly, an increase in the real GDP is a sign of an economic growth and predicts the possibility of increased employment and a decrease in the inflation rates. The strong economic growth as indicated in the trend of the GDP suggests that the US labor market will expand compared to the previous year. Specifically, the Wall Street Journal forecast that unemployment will decline from 5.6 to 5.2 percent by December 2015 compared to the same time in 2014 (Madigan,  2015). The tight labor market interprets to an increase in income rising from 1.7 percent to 2.6 percent in 2014 and 2015 respectively. If this prediction is correct, the US economy will experience the highest and fastest wage growth since 2008. Using three reliable international forecasting agencies, I obtained the average of the presented GDPs to determine the perceived performance of the US economy in 2015. The table below represents the quarterly GDPs from Wall Street Journal, the Conference Board, and the Well Fargo, US economic forecast (The Conference Board, 2015; The Wall Street Journal, 2015; Wells Fargo, U.S. Economic Forecast, 2015). As observed from the table, the three forecasting agencies predict an increase in the national real GDP. As seen from the average in the quarterly forecasts, the GDP will rise from 2.2 percent in the first quarter to 2.9% in

Monday, November 18, 2019

POLTCS ASSESSMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

POLTCS ASSESSMENT - Essay Example It will complete its 800 years in 2015. The crucial time of emerging requirements reveals the need of formal written document in shape of proper constitution explicating the rights and duties of government bodies and the public individuals (McLean, 2010). Absence of constitution does not mean that United Kingdom does not have any constitution; rather it means the absence of a complied document that could conjoin the contemporary practices of constitutional nature such as from Magna Carta, Bill of rights and parliamentary acts plus the unwritten conventions which are followed broadly. The essential question, which is put forward to get the answer of need of a written constitution, is further divided in to two extremes. One reveals that this would help the UK to integrate with other nations which have their written constitutions while the other explains that there is no need of a constitution because the running monarch system is substantial to meet up the requirements effectively. It is also considered that a new document may confuse the people’s vision and may make it vague because every legislative participant is immune to the current contemporary practices (Kwan, 2010). The power of parliament, that exposes enacting or discontinuing any law with in the country, is known as doctrine of Parliamentary Sovereignty. It also includes premier rights and laws as well as institutional structure. Mutual consent of all branches of the government, which include Judiciary, legislation and executive, is important and vital to pass any law and order. European convention of human rights protected fundamental higher status to rights and impacted an immediate consequence in contour of Human Rights Act 1998. In current scenario, the act may be reinstated by a straightforward majority as it has been elucidated in above statement (Colley, 2011). The establishment of the rights is expected as The proposed rights by council of Europe must be recognized and accepted by the en tire European Democratic Agencies Most of the clauses are identical as which are practiced by Britain Judicial Department as after consenting the Bill of Rights in 1689, it is simply the re statement of rephrasing of the contemporary upholding The national judiciary contemplates the rights in adjustment to domestic piece of law. It is accommodated in such a way that its compatibility with general legislative laws is not harmed. In order to explain the role of written constitution and definition of its significance, the role of several branches of government is required to delineate at priority basis. After lucid prioritization, it would be more favorable to generate the outline structure of constitution document in written form. It does not possess momentous importance that the constitution needs to explain the overall structural outline of government supportive institutions. In lieu of defining the role of institutions in profundity, it is enough to explain the limitation of powers . It is a pre requisite of not getting the constitution over complex. Such as, the constitution of United States does not explain the procedure of elections and polling as well as the senate structure (Consoc.org.uk). A general referendum should be conducted in order to

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Historical Relationship Between Art and Music

Historical Relationship Between Art and Music Referring to key examples, identify and discuss the historical relationship between art and popular music, using key examples to support your argument. Some people would think that art and popular music have no combined points of reference, and that each is a completely separate unit, with each subject trying to achieve several different goals. However my intentions are to prove that this is not true. I believe that they have linked many times in the past particularly during the creation of the Dada movement in 1916. Hugo Ball composed sound poems and performed them at Cabaret Voltaire, a club he opened that consisted of an artists club, exhibition room, pub and theatre all rolled into one, it showed several styles of artistic performances. He believed others like him were interested not only in enjoying their independence but also giving proof of it. On July 23rd 1916 Hugo Ball recited his sound poem Karawane. It contained seventeen lines of text, which have no meaning but was successful for the resonance of the tone and in the manner it was performed. The visual version is also congratulated for the several styles of font used to decipher different emotions. For example, a sort of undulatory motion is produced by the alternative use of italics and roman type, while the left column produces a soothing effect. Cabaret Voltaire and founder Hugo Ball were the main creators of the Dada movement in Zurich 1917. The Dada movement is believed to be the co-founder of contemporary art. Contemporary art a s we know it could not have come into existence without Dada. It was breaking down and merging the differences between the several art forms as a response to World War 1. Richard Huelsenbeck was a close friend of Hugo Ball, who also recited on the 30th March at Cabaret Voltaire and was also associated with the Dada movement. Although he believed Dada needed to be stronger and more political and in 1919 set up his own club, Club Dada in Berlin. He was regarded as arrogant, and thats how he looks. His nostrils vibrate, his eyebrows are arched, and was not liked by the public. His work and several of the Club Dada creators were more political than the other Dada-groups they released convincing magazines to illustrate their beliefs through photomontages and manifestos. His works include The end of the world and Don Inigo de Loyola, which were more obviously political than that of Hugo Ball. Louis Armstrong was one of the first jazz musicians to experiment with his vocal techniques. By improvising the original composed music, and creating sound on the spot, he created skat singing. He is still well known as one of the greatest jazz musicians today for his spontaneity, and amazingly quick, inventive musical mind. I believe this is a good example of the kind of performances that would be shown at the Cabaret Voltaire, although he did not. I believe it is possible that, through horizontal and vertical lines constructed with awareness, but not with calculation, led by high intuition, and brought to harmony and rhythm, these basic forms of beauty, supplemented if necessary by other direct lines or curves, can become a work of art, as strong as it is true. Piet Mondrian Piet Mondrian was influenced by music, particularly the style that surrounded him whilst in New York. In particular his piece Victory Boogie Woogie 1942 44 (which was not named by him but based on his original piece Broadway Boogie Woogie 1942-43) was based on a title for a song and type of dance, which was extremely popular at the time and still heard of today. Among his collection of records, was the album Boogie Woogie from 1942, the inspiration behind two of his most famous works. Set in the Jazz period the piece represented the short melody lines that were interrupted by open rhythmical patterns as seen and heard in Jazz music. He would use plastic and bits of paper to illustrate and create new rhythms across the canvas, and create a busy, fast work to reflect the upbeat music and the bustling environment of New York. Jazz music played a big role in Mondrians work both as jazz music and modern art depend a great deal on improvisation. Like jazz where an artist will never play the same thing twice, Mondrian also would rely on instinct and natural ability to present his work. It presents a sense of randomness and how the artist was feeling at that particular time, which is found throughout many other artist movements. Jakob van Domselaer was a composer of the works Proeven van Stijlkunst (Experiments in Artistic Style) and a close friend of Mondrian. His work was inspired by Mondrian and the art movement De Stijl, which represented using simplicity, limited colours and using horizontal and vertical lines. Walter Gropius was the founder of Bauhaus school of art and design in Germany 1919. It revolutionised the art industry by replacing the traditional pupil-teacher relationship with the idea of a community of artists working together. It combined artists from all creative industries and allowed people to be creative and meet creative people. It was very influential and housed several well known artists including Kandinsky and Klee. Walter Gropius was a lover of art and music, therefore inspired art students to start musical groups and blend with people from other creative industries, which was important for the progression of art to inspire new, creative ideas from both sides. The Bauhaus Jazz Band in 1927 played the Charleston on the Bauhaus Roof which originally inspired this link of art and music, and was the main reason for starting the trend of artists creating bands. Bauhaus, Dancing on the Roof focuses only on that exhilarating moment when utopian dreams, uncertain ties, and fresh visions. The sixties was a massive decade for both art and music, with great pieces of work being produced from both the fine arts and the performance arts. The Beatles are one of the main well known music group that connect art to music, as most of the members were artists before creating the band. Also Stuart Sutcliffe, a previous bass player for the Beatles, dropped out and started doing art. (Stuart Sutcliffe Untitled 1961-62). When the Beatles first began 50% of the fans that would see them perform were art students including Astrid Kirchherr a photographer that would take pictures of them. George: Astrid was the one, really, who influenced our image more than anybody. She made us look good. She was the one who had the lather kecks and the Beatles haircut.. Sam Walsh used to jokingly call themselves jazz artists rather than pop, believing that their art owed more to the free-form improvisation of American artists During this time, music and art formed together like never before, with bot h artists and musician practising together. Adrian Henri statement : to the cataclysmic effect of the Beatles and Merseybeat in general; yet the visual arts (and poetry) benefited from the sheer headiness, the excitement of the time, as well as the attention generated by the music. In the late 1960s the musicians, clubs and pubs surrounded the school of art, creating a bond between the two creative areas. With John Lennon and Stuart Sutcliffe being pupils of the art school, they were exposed to the musical talent surrounding them. The Beatles revolver album was released on the 5th of august 1966 which reached number 1 in both the UK and the USA. The cover illustration was created by German-born bassist and artist Klaus Voormann. The image is mainly a simplistic line drawing but also using very recognisable aspects of each member of the band. It is also done in a collage style where a lot of images are placed in between them which consist of more detailed images of characters taken by Robert Whitaker. It was stated to be a part of the phycodellic era, you also perceive this sense from the other albums that they have done in the sixties, by the way in which the surrealist art comes through. The infamous butcher cover Yesterday and Today has now become famous in the album art subject matter because of how controversial it was and has been called the Beatles album of all time. Shot by photographer Robert Whitaker, (who had also done other covers with the Beatles), the image shows the band sat down smiling while covered in decapitated baby dolls and pieces of meat while the four of them are dressed in butchers aprons this image proved to be too strong and was quickly banned, some DJs even refused to play it. Which, if you compare it to some of the art of today, it would be seen as acceptable, as freedom to a subject matter is an asset to the modern art world. Not only was their album art banned, but also some of their music, on the grounds that it could encourage a permissive attitude towards drugs, which also connects to the era, in which drug taking was popular. Their other album covers consisted of many modern artists including Robert Fraser, Robert Blake and Peter Blak e. Although Peter Blake, may be well known for his cover St Pepper, in fact his wife Jan Howarth created this design with him. John Lennon enjoyed experimentation with sound along with artist and wife Yoko Ono. They would create tape loops and use the technique Musique Concrete, a technology that allowed tapes to be cut and edited. Musique Concrete is defined as a musiclike art form composed directly on magnetic tape by the electronic manipulation, distortion, or transformation of natural sounds and noises, as of musical instruments or rain. The Piece Revolution 9 appeared on The White Album released in 1968. This was made by layering tape loops over the basic rhythm of revolution. Lennon called it The music of the future and whilst it was loved by many people who appreciated and understood sound art, it was also hated, particularly by producer George Martin who tried to keep it off the album. Paul McCartney, a member of the Beatles and Yoko Ono opened an art gallery, in the basement off a bookstore. Indica was opened during the late 1960s. It was where John Lennon met Yoko Ono on Novermber 9, 1966. During the exhibit His famous retort : an imaginary five shillings to hammer in the imaginary nail made them inseparable. This was the start of the experimentation with sound and art. In 1968 they released an album with this inspirational sound Unfinished Music No1: Two Virgins which was also famous for its controversial cover, that was slated and not appreciated by the public. Exploding Plastic Inevitable consisted of organised sound and lighting events constructed by Andy Warhol in 1966. His favourite group Velvet Underground performed there along with the showings of Warhols films and Nico. Victor Bockris said January to April 1966 was the golden period for the Velvet Underground and Andy Warhol. After the psychiatrists convention, Warhol shot a scintillating film of the band rehearsing at the Factory, symphony of sound, which remains the single best visual record of the Velvet Underground. They also recorded sound tracks for two of Warhols best movies shot at the beginning of the year, hedy and more milk yvette.. Andy Warhol was inspired by the times music particularly this group and filmed them. Using these as inspiration he created many current day artworks, which celebrated the popular culture, exactly what the musical groups wanted to achieve. Exploding Plastic Inevitable was said to be very heavy on the emotions, as it was loud and bright with stro be lights, colours exploding and the light-show could be blinding at times. Another example of a more modern link is the punk scene, which was said to have two causes. The first being a response to the environment and current trends, the second coming out of art schools. Malcolm Mclaren stated that he was responsible for starting the Punk movement in Britain and was also heavily involved in forming The Sex Pistols, and became their manager. The Sex Pistols were the first Punk band in Britain and formed the punk scene, along with the fashion and political values that came with it. Malcolm McLaren was also a fashion designer and an art student in the sixties; it was this that led the movement in its uniqueness of clothing and style. After The Sex Pistols and the punk scene, he became more involved in his burgeoning art career; he wants to be taken more seriously as an artist and calls them musical paintings. Malcolm McLarens video piece Shallow has been given great credit to his anticipation of becoming a more recognised artist. His work on erotica and music was becoming more popular with the public. Since I was an art student in the Sixties Ive been interested in the foreplay in sex films, Im not sure why intrigued by the blandness, the stupidity and the kind of innocence of these people who couldnt act but who would be paid to have sex. Sex films became more hardcore, and lost a lot of charm in the Seventies. Somehow this was allied to my feelings about a disappearing world of pop culture the images were how I imagined pop music to look. The feeling was the same as when I was 13 imagining a world of sex you might imagine or never possibly have, and listening to pop music. This is a perfect example of the link between art and music, I feel at this time it was stronger than it has ever been, with artists considering music as a topic for their work, or even having or creating music to enhance their art. Jamie Reid created the cover album art for The Sex Pistols; he was involved with the situationist movement and a strong believer in anarchy. The situationists ideas were very hard to accumulate, as there were several ideas about the movement, Situationists focus on their cultural ideas, particularly in relation to detournement and the development of punk. They believed in looking at real life, instead of false truths. Jamie Reids famous cover God Save The Queen was known as one of the single most iconic image of the punk-era. His work involves the cutting from newspapers and combining graphical work that has and always will be recognized for it anarchistic feel. It was loved and hated at the time and some of his work has been banned in the past. Brian Eno studied at art school, but became involved with the glam rock group Roxy Music, even though he had no musical background or playing experience. After leaving this band he became more experimental with his music creation, taking the idea of chance with lyrics and sounds, he started to see his work as art not music and called it visual art. He used sound in an abstract expressionist way, in the same way as Jackson Pollock. His work 77 Million Paintings was created in 2007, and is a constantly evolving sound and imagescape which continues his exploration into light as an artists medium and the aesthetic possibilities of generative software. This involves the combination of image and sound working together. He is known as one of the most important people to combine the art and music worlds, and is still continuing to do so today. In a more modern perspective, an example of the link between music and art is the group, Franz Ferdinand. Having come from an artistic background (Hardy graduated from Glasgow School Of Art, and Thompson also posed as a life model there) they would rehearse in The Chauteau, they were known to have rave-like events incorporating music and art. In their recent career they have been known to have artists and art references throughout their careers, including music video Do You Wanna, where several artists or art works are within the gallery where it is set. Although I feel this was to attempt to put them in an art music group, they wanted the public to know they were previously from an art background, making them more popular. Another example is their album art covers, which are obviously inspired by the pop art movement, as the techniques and overall appeal is similar. Graffiti is part of the hip hop culture that has been split up into various different art forms such as Graffiti, Writing, Dj-ing, MC-ing and break dancing. There is a very close culture between graffiti art and some of the big hip hop artists such as Dr Dre, 50 Cent and The Game Grafitti art has changed dramatically since its origins, with the likes of Bansky, a famous British artist. Not much is known because he hides his identity, (WHY) but he had start his rise to fame during the great Bristol aerosol boom of the late 1980s most of his art are cover such topics such as ethics culture and politics, Banksy successfully combines graffiti writing and a stencilling technique that stands out from all of the others. Graffiti has also been used on a wide range of album covers which shows a direct link from art to music such as Blur, a Britpop band who have used more than one of Banksys piece of artwork. This album Think Tank, has been said that it inspired some of Blurs music. They have also used Banksy artwork on another cover, Crazy Beat, which was taken from one of Banskys original artworks. This graffiti was destroyed soon after Blur used it for their single cover, the council simply painted over it. The image was on the side of a privately-owned building in Londons Stoke Newington, featuring a cartoon version of the Royal Family waving from the top of a balcony, the council thought that they were cleaning the building, branding that the graffiti was unclean. The image was on the side of the building for 8 years before they decided to do anything about it. I find the history of art with combined music to be fascinating. My favourite example being Charleston on the Bauhaus Roof because i feel the teachers influenced the students to start these art bands, if not for this i feel art would have not developed as successfully as it did. I also think that art and music have a strong bond because they are both very personal subjects, in that one person may like the work and another wont. Both industries have high demands to get out to the public and show their work, and hope that people appreciate what they have created. I feel the use of experimenting and combining all of the creative fields is expanding and artists and musicians will continue to use the creative minds of each other in both fields in the future.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Beowulf: Changes In People :: Epic of Beowulf Essays

The tale of Beowulf is one of constant tranformation. Great warriors and leaders turn into cowering peons. Faithful Christians convert to devil worship. Devout followers flee at the sight of trouble. Many people's morals change quickly and drastically at the sight of change. Personal turmoil abounds with changing values brought by changing times. People remain content as long as nothing challenges them, but at the first sight of change chaos occurs. One case of how change causes people to forsake their values happens when Grendel makes his first appearance at Herot. In Herot lives Hrothgar who "...led/ The Danes to such glory that comrades and kinsmen/ Swore by his sword, and young men swelled ( Beowulf lines 64-67). Hrothgar is a mighty leader of the Danes, but at the sight of a different foe, a change, Hrothgar turns tail and runs. He does not once try to face Grendel. He instead lets his people live in terror. The Hrothgar that is described before the arrival of Grendal is a completely different person, mentally, than the Hrothgar that is terrorized by the monster. He knows only one type of enemy, humans, and once that changes he loses all his leadership power. A true man of value will keep his values no matter what change takes place. Fate does not play a role in Hrothgar's actions. He is caught up in pride about all his achievements. This makes him weak to being caught by change. He beomes so comfortable in his station that he narrows his comfort zone to such a level that any amount of change will throw him off. Everything that happens is by his own accord. Hrothgar is a perfect example of how people cannot mentally fight evil. Without the constant attack of evil, one will not be able to deal with it when it arises. Hrothgar is not exposed to evil, so when it rears its ugly head his only reaction is to flee. If someone lives in a utopia and leaves, they will not be able to deal with the evil they find because they have never dealt with it before. Good cannot combat evil if it has never known evil. The only way to resolve Hrothgar's situation is to bring in someone who knows evil and faces it well, is not prideful, and can adapt to change well. In the tale, that is exactly how the problem is solved.

Monday, November 11, 2019

HR Team Project

This theory is bas De on effort and performance, which ultimately determines the outcome of a task o r duty. When looking at Top Expectancy, we see a clear correlation between the effort level f the employee and performance level. Pertaining to the Top expectancy, students in the case reached this low point of motivation because after putting in as much off rot as possible in the line situation, they realized that all the effort they put would b e sabotaged by the other foreign workers in the line.Thus, making the employee feel as if t here best efforts will never get them to the performance level needed to complete the j bob. This case situation also connected to Photo expectancy, which connects a specific perform menace level to a certain outcome. The specified outcome of the line was to remove a d stack the ketchup bottles quickly as possible without any boxes falling off the line. The s dents felt that at any performance level the outcome would still result in crates fall Eng off the line due to the counterproductive actions of the foreign workers.The probably tit of success was solely in the hands of the foreign workers, thus making the studs ants feel unmotivated to complete the job because the outcomes did not reflect their e efforts. The Students smashed the bottles in retaliation because they knew that the bottle s would be damaged regardless of their performance on the line. In the moment of anger r, the students page 2 wanted to feel in control, and thought that if the bottles were to break, it woo old feel better if they did it instead of the foreign workers. Another component of the expect Nancy theory is Valence.An employee may see the outcome as desirable or undesirable (La imbiber, 2010). In the academic journal, valence is connected to the expectancy of the employee through Individual perceptions. Due to the strenuous work and the negative work cue True of line duty, the students had an undesirable perception of the working envier moment. This is another factor that led to the destruction of the bottles. 2) Identify Ramie's leadership style using the Behavior Perspective of Leadership Give examples of his behavior from the case to support your answer.If Rah m had been a Transformational leader what would he have done to change the way things were happening on the bottling line? 2. Ramie's leadership style using the behavior perspective of leadership is the directive leadership style. The way Ihram performs his job such as trying to effectively manage the plant and fulfilling his duties can be supported by the directive leadership style. L adders that take on this type of leadership â€Å"assign specific tasks,sets goals and deadlines,clarify w Ark duties and procedures,define work procedures and plan work activities. (Machines & Steel n 2012,peg. 333) One of the ways Ihram portrays the style of directive leadership is whenever t he jobs had changed , he would give written instructions and descriptions as to what is ex pe cked of them. † Upon arrival they met Ihram, the Plant Manager, who gave them a set of job Instructions, which took all of 5 minutes and directed them to George, the lead oven operator(co k) if they had any additional questions. â€Å"(case study)Ihram always dealt with introducing them t o the work area and page 3 giving written job descriptions.Whenever Ihram was not in the working work ins area, he would have an employee who was to work as a supervisor in the area. The supervisor RSI were assigned so that they would be mentors to the new employees, and to clarify or listen to a NY concerns the employees had related to the job. However, in the case of the students that joy indeed neither was the supervisor willing to listen, nor was the plant manager who said to deal the pr bobbles on their own. Ihram also demonstrates directive leadership through the aspect of not willing g to listen to employee problems and concerns. The student said that while they were pale eased to be working at the plant, they had concerns about how George was treating them. Ihram t hen went into a long explanation about his management philosophy and how he felt it was m ore effective this ‘hands off policy' has served him in managing the plant I† (case study) Ihram did not care about listening to the concerns of the employees and to be supportive of them. He believed that all employee were mature and responsible adults, therefore the problems they h d with other employees Were to be solved by themselves.Getting Ihram involved in problem ms that employees had between each other felt as if he was treating them like children-Therefore it was suggested to the students that any concerns with George or any other employees should did erectly dealt with the person to get a solution. Hence, under the behavioral perspective of leaders hip Ihram best portrayed the directive leadership through his work performance. If Ihram was to be a transformational leader the way he was man aging the Pl ant would have been a more welcoming and positive environment.Transformational lea deer motivate employees to achieve the organization's vision. â€Å"Transformational leadership raises the level of human conduct and ethical aspiration of both leader and follower. It alters an d elevates the Page 4 motives, values, and goals of followers through the vital teaching role of lead reship, enabling leaders, and followers to be united in the pursuit Of higher Kerr ashcan. 201 3, peg. 1 2) A positive environment would have been formed in the company with employees being approachable and having freedom to suggest their opinions. F Ihram was to f allow ramifications leadership, he would have changed the attitudes of employee sees who were working on the bottling line. Being an ignorant leader has led to employees be ins disobedient. The machine operator had been rude enough to change the speed the mach en was at frequently. â€Å"Very quickly, however the two realized that the se two women had a relatively low opinion of seasonal workers and they apparently experienced considerable delight in VA raying the speed of the line. They could increase speed sufficiently to make it impossible for Robe art and Bill to remove and stack every case of ketchup. Case study) Ihram should have bee n able to come up with a solution to the concerns that students had With the operator if he was t o be a transformational leader. Also if this leadership style was used the students w loudly it hesitate to ask questions and raise their concerns to him about working in the company. In addition,the bottling line wouldn't have faced problems such as Robert and Bill throwing t he bottles against the wall if the transformational leadership style was followed. It can be under stood that for every action there is a reaction and in this situation it causes a harmful work environ moment.According to David Conrad it is said † the more connected managers are, the better they can und erstand what motivates members of their team, analyze what's really going on, and find sol suctions that meet the needs of their people and their company. † (Conrad, 2014) These are truly the steps that should have been taken by Ihram if he were to be a transformational leader who once auroras his employees to work together for the company. By meeting the needs of people e and finding Page 5 solution to them will allow employees to have a positive feeling about the woo receptacle and will decrease any levels of employee absenteeism.However, this is not the case of the Plant due to Ramie's directive leadership style but if Ihram changes his style of leading the Plant ,it will benefit both him and the employee. 3) Identify and describe (a) the sources of conflict The Students experienced conflict that ultimately led to their termination. The sources of conflict for the students started with the poor communication of Ihram, who explained the tasks and duties too quickly and didn' t introduce them to the other worker RSI. This created a social divide between the students and the other workers.Also, the workers had mix of incompatible goals and differentiation because the goals of the force gnu workers were counter productive, and the students had goals of increasing productivity y. These opposite goals and beliefs created tension between these two groups. The for sign workers have a negative perspective on seasonal workers, which conflicts wit h goals of production and decreases employee interest. † the prevailing perspective in c inflict management relies on the implicit assumption that employee interests should d be subordinated to the demands of production and authority† (Gross et al. 2013) Their interests and beliefs did not coincide with the production environment, which relies on efficiencies and productive actions. Page 6 Lastly, a prominent source of conflict was the use of ambiguous rules. The am bigamous working environment gave the fore ign workers the opportunity to interfere WI the the students work. There are not rules implemented to keep the line at a certain s peed. (b) the conflict management styles used by the students and the permanent staff. The conflict management style used by the students toward George was prop elm solving.Although they began to avoid the problem, they soon realized that they had t do something about the issue. The students used the problems solving style with George by attempting to solve the issue through a win win orientation. However, George completely dismissed their concerns, which should have signaled the student s to use a forcing style due to the unethical behavior. When the students were at the line e, they used a compromising style to solve the issue. They proposed to use hand signals to communicate to the foreign workers. They striver to achieve a mutual gain in order to keep a consistent flow in the line.The students attempted to build a trust wit h the reign workers by mak ing conditional promises. After this failed, the student s avoided the situation and retaliated by breaking the bottles. (c) Select the Structural Approaches to Conflict Management that might best help resolve the conflict on the bottling line. Gives reasons for your choice. In order to improve the line, structural approaches to conflict management SSH old have been implemented. The management staff should emphasize subordinated goals t o Increase Page 7 cooperative thinking.When everyone has the same ultimate goal, the worker s will work together to achieve the higher main goal of the operation. If the students and the permanent workers emphasized the subordinated goals of the organization, there would be less competitiveness between the two groups of workers. Improving communication and mutual understanding is also an approach that t could resolve this conflict. The loud production environment and quick pace made it very h art for the student workers to communicate with the foreig n workers. Also, the language barrier didn't help the situation either. ROR to starting the job, Ihram should have TA ken more time for the foreign workers to meet the student workers and assist them wit engage barrier. After the conflict occurred, the students should have tried t o find a quiet space to attempt to discuss the problem with the foreign workers. This s essential in creating a mutual understanding of goals. The students need the foreign w errors to know that they are serious about completing the tasks and duties, and want t o work together instead of compete. 4) (a) Identify and discuss the sources of power used by the permanent staff and the students in the case.Page 8 The sources of power identified in this case can be seen between three differ .NET parties. The iris is between the three newly hired workers John, Bill, and Robert and Rah m. Ihram is the plant manager of H. J Heinz, he provides the students their job instructions . After giving instructions, he leaves almost immediately but what is seen is that John, Bill, a ND Robert listen to the plant manager on the given job instructions. Ihram is seen to have e coercive power which is defined as â€Å"the ability for a manager to punish subordinate. (textbook) When Ihram catches Bill throwing the case against the wall, he exerts his core give power and fires both Bill and Robert. According to Mollification's article he states the t too much coercive power has a negative impact on employees job satisfaction† â€Å"Most SC hollers in management and psychology believe that using coercive power (punishment) as a means to influence subordinates and staff has much more negative effects than positive e, due to its adverse physical and mental effects† ( Anomalousness et al , 2014) The second is between John, Bill, and Robert and George, the lead oven opera tort (cook).George is seen to have legitimate power because he is simply of a higher working position informally because he is a p ermanent staff. Also, George partially has coercive power because he threatened the three students to make work harder for them if the eye talk to Ihram again. The third relation is between Robert and Bill's relation with the woman who w ere operating the conveyer belt. They display a small level of expert power because as perm anent staff, they are have the knowledge and know how to speed up the line.They used t his knowledge Page 9 in a negative way and made the boys work harder when they increased the s peed of the conveyer belt. Which led to Robert and Bill them fired (b) Identify and fully describe two influence tactics that the student might have used to improve the way they were being treated by the permanent staff. Two influence tactics that the students could have used to improve the way the eye were being treated is by persuasion and upward appeal. Persuasion would be a strong TA stick to use by stating a logical arguments, and emotional appeals.John, Bill, and Robert cool d have tried to talk to George about their financial situation and tell him how his stereotyping them as â€Å"rich college kids† is completely wrong because if they were rich, why would they b e working for H. J Heinz during their summer vacation? Additionally, when Robert and Bill w ere facing robbers with the woman operating the conveyer belt and speeding it up ran dimly, they should have talked to their coworkers right away and tell them to stop.The SE condo tactic the boys could have tried was upward appeal. This approach deals with gaining s purport from higher authority. They could have reported this childish behavior coming fro m the woman working the conveyer belt to higher management and speak to Ihram. If Rah m doesn't help, then they should have reported this mistreatment to the HRS department and seek help from there. 5) Use the Communication Process Model and the Barriers to Communication ( Noise) to fully explain why communication broke down on the bottling.Pa ge 10 5. The communication break down in bottling will be supported by both the com ammunition process model and barriers to communication. Based on the communication process model there had been a communication break down since their was low proficiency in the communication channel, the codebooks had not been similar and some employees did not ha eve sufficient experience in encoding the messages.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Multinational Enterprises

Globalization is changing the way of doing business in the world today. It is the new era of business opportunity. For many major companies, going global is a matter of survival, and it means radically changing the way they work. Economic globalization changes both spatial dimension of MNE†s (Multinational Enterprises) and creates a need for more flexible production of marketing systems and new forms of organization. Firms trying to position themselves as global players face problems such as the cost of building a simultaneous presence in several product areas and foreign markets. They must also be able to manage cultural difference and be able to carry out effective cross-cultural communication. Global skills must be an integral part of an enterprise; these skills must be integrated throughout all operations of the company. Managements handling of diversity will be the most significant factor affecting MNE†s success in the global marketplace. Whether a company is concerned about the supervisors of minority employees, world trade, joint ventures or global economic cooperation, culture will have a great impact on the relationships and the operations. Edward H. Schein states it perfectly: Consider any complex, potentially volatile issue-Arab relations, the problems between Serbs, Croats, and Bosnians, corporate decision-making, getting control of U. S. deficit or health care coasts, labor/management relations, and so on. At the root of the issue we are likely to find communication failures and cultural misunderstandings that prevent the parties from framing the problem in a common way, and thus make it impossible to deal with the problem constructively (Schein 40). Every company that becomes global should have global leadership. Culturally skilled leaders are essential for the effective management of emerging global corporations. They should have persons in management that are capable of operating effectively in a global environment and they must be respectful of cultural diversity. In China, the conflict in management has been addressed as a major problem for the global-player, such as US and Chinese joint ventures. Joint ventures are designed to improve and eliminate misunderstanding of global-culture differences in management. Some Chinese and American companies try to adapt to one another, but it is not easy. Both sides have found that cultural difference is difficult to control. For example, Babcock & Wilcox joint-ventured with Grub and Lin. Workers evaluated Chinese managers by a simple standard: who ever quarreled with Americans the most aggressively would be considered comrade in arms, and whoever cooperated with the Americans would be nicknamed â€Å"Er Gui zi† (fake foreigners). The atmosphere became so tense that even the most trivial business dealings between the American and Chinese became bogged down in charges and counter charges (Tse 32). Differences in customs, behavior, and values result is problems that can be managed only through effective cross-cultural communication and interaction. All employees should learn about the about the influence of culture and be effective cross-cultural communicators if they are to work with minorities within their own society or with foreigners encountered home or abroad (Harris and Moran 59). Globalization involves doing business around the world in a new way giving companies an opportunity to explore the world market. The idea of a global-player involves low-cost and new customer. In Asia, Europe, and many other parts of the world, there are thousands of service and product markets waiting to be filled. The Chinese consumer market is one of the most attractive countries for the global-player. The Chinese economy has been growing rapidly in past decade under its â€Å"open-door† policy on foreign trade, investment and finance For example, China is one of the most discussed topics of a business opportunity for global-player around the world. This is because China has a huge and fresh consumer market waiting to be filled; â€Å"China is a major imperative for most big multinationals†. Indeed for some, such as Coca-Cola, Ericson and Procter & Gamble, the country has become one of their largest markets in Asia or even the world† (Edward Tse, 11). China is the third largest country in the world and its population is about 20 percent of the world's population. Since 1979, China has entered the new era of creating an open-door policy to carry out the construction of modernization. Opening the door to the outside world has developed a newly established special economic zone, which is on the coastal area and the area along the Changing River and much more. With the progressive improvement of the investment environment and the completion of laws and regulation concerning foreign affairs, more and more foreign investors have come to China† (Fumio ltoh, 5). As a result, import and export have increased from $20. 6 billion in 1978 to $195 billion US dollars in 1993. From the report of China Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MFTEC), â€Å"during the first seven months of 1997, there were 26 billion U. S. investment dollars flowing into China and it is 15. 5 % gain from last year† (â€Å"Chinoday. com†). China's G. D. P. has been growing at about 9 to 10 percent a year for last 15 years. Since the opening of China, people have been adapting to new cultural values. Chinese consumers are willing to spend more money on purchasing goods and services. Many international products and services have been able to succeed in this revolution because most of the Chinese consumer's decisions are influenced by promoti on, and advertising through television and magazines ads. There are increasing numbers of china's population that own their own televisions. By 1995, official statistics said that more than 80% of Chinese have their own televisions. The advertising spending in China has been growing at around 60% a year since 1990. In a survey, more than half of the people who responded, said that â€Å"television ads influenced their firs-time purchase of the brand they used most often for a home or care products† (Tse, 13). There are a lot of companies have been presented into China, such as Procter & Gamble, S. C. Johnson, Henkel, Unilever and Kao. I believe that companies going to China as a global-players need a powerful global vision to lead their organization into the future success. Arch McGill, the former president of AT&T Advanced Information System said that â€Å"Change in business starts with a vision† (Daniels, 18). Company should have a right global vision address such an important issue, such as how will they serve customer, finding local business partner and geographic concern.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

GPS - The Future of Agricultur essays

GPS - The Future of Agricultur essays Its cold, its late, youre driving home from the public speaking contest when suddenly, BAM, you hit a patch of ice and your car slides out of control. Across the road, through the ditch, into the left over stubble of a corn field, finally stopping at an old tree. Then it happens. You hear the voice... Your name are you all right? You pause and wonder... Where is the voice coming from? Your name, this is Angie with On-Star. Our system indicates that your airbag have been deployed. Are you in need of assistance? You try to answer, but no words will come out. your name, this is Angie with On-Star. We have identified the position of your vehicle, and since you are unable to respond at this time, we have contacted the local police department and help is on the way. Now I bet you are wondering what any of this has to do with agriculture. Well sit back, relax, and let me tell you a story of how the same technology used by On-Star has changed the face of farming. In the 1980s, everyone wanted to talk about sustainable agriculture. In the 1990s, it was precision agriculture (Thompson). Now, GPS and remote sensing have moved precision agriculture to the forefront. To many people, the Global Positioning System, or GPS, was once thought to be a mega system used by the government and military and not something that the average Joe would ever see up close. Well, things have changed! Many people today are familiar with GPS systems, such as On Star, that they can install in their vehicles or GPS programs available for your cell phone and your Palm Pilot as well. Yet, the average citizen may not think of GPS as something that has helped the agricultural industry. Even those that are familiar with the name, GPS, probably can not tell you what it really is or how it functions, so heres the quick introduction course. According to renowned physicist Edward Taylor...

Monday, November 4, 2019

The 1893 Financial Panic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The 1893 Financial Panic - Essay Example The financial crisis was as a result of various factors that will be addressed in this section. At the time of the crisis on February that year, America was highly expecting that its economy had picked and growth would be evident in the coming years. However, the collapse of the Baring Brothers bank which was an Argentinian agent bank led to a bump in the banking sector that affected other banks and consequently the US treasury at the time. The banks failure to pick up in the competitive banking environment was as a result of the failure in the wheat industry which came hand in hand with the coup at the Buenos Aires. These two occurrences acted as the last blow to its investments. Due to the shock, the US treasury started to work on a run on gold strategy due to the fact that investors in the sector still wanted to cash in their investments. The treasury did not want to scare the investors away as that would be more catastrophic and the prospects of recovering would be weak. In the meantime, too much investments were heaped on the railroad construction as it seemed a way of boosting business and consequently the economy. The result was that the economy was totally injured. The prices of various commodities including the ones in the agricultural sector dropped significantly adding to the misery. As the economy was hit and the banking sector seemed to crumble, people rushed to withdraw their money to avoid the loss that would follow if the banks collapsed with their money. This caused bank runs. To add to the already worsened situation, the United Kingdom was also hit by a financial crisis at a similar time and the result was that people who had invested in the American industry rushed to sell their stock and recover their investment capital. For a long time, Europe had been trading with the US. At the time of the crisis, the economy of various European countries was not good and that had an effect on America. As discussed earlier

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Gay Relationship in the Wedding Banquet Movie Review

Gay Relationship in the Wedding Banquet - Movie Review Example The movie is an intense comedy in the first half, and then it reveals the complexities of the relationship burdened on each other. The character Winston Chao, and Simon his lover were living a convenient lifestyle until his parents demand a marriage in an expectation of an offspring. This movie displays very intense emotional sequences as well as riotously funny movements every audience will expect in a movie.   The movie being the debut of actor Winston Chao, does not depict any flaws or chinks in his acting skill. â€Å"The Wedding Banquet never becomes bogged down by its own seriousness. Lee manages to keep the production buoyant by including scenes that are often riotously funny† (Berardinelli.1993). Interestingly, in this movie all the characters possess their own unique worthiness, which gives the audience a splendid visual treat. The plot of the movie The plot of the movie is the life of a Taiwanese immigrant Winston Chao who is a gay. He is in a stable relationship w ith an American man Simon, and defers his parents about his sexuality and agrees to marry Wei – Wei a Chinese woman. ... e in the initial stage looks like a full-blown comedy but later comes out different when the perception of the sexual and cultural choices of the young generation is portrayed dominantly. This movie seems like a romantic comedy in the beginning, but there is a strong dramatic undertone surrounding this movie which the audience finds out towards the other half unravels. The main highlight of the deceptive marriage is the sumptuous banquet after which the Wei - Wei seduces the intoxicated Winston and get herself pregnant. On a finding of pregnancy, Simon gets upset and fights with Winston, and eventually, their relationship starts to deteriorate. In the moment of tension and rage, Winston let his mother know about his sexual identity and his mother knowing this request her son to hide this from his father. Later in the movie, Winston’s father finds out about his son’s relationship with Simon and with half mind go forward to have an amicable relationship with Simon. In the end the father and mother of Winston leave for their homeland leaving Winston, Wei – Wei and Simon to sort out things by themselves. Background and theme of the story The movie â€Å"The Wedding Banquet† is written by three writers namely; Ang Lee, Neil Peng and James Schamus. Ang Lee is the writer and director of the movie and is a Taiwanese American movie director with versatility and dynamic talent. He has directed this movie with a varied nature for which has won Academy Award and lot of acclamation worldwide. Neil Peng is another writer who contributed efficiently to the movie as a screenplay writer. James Schamus is also a screenwriter with numerous acclamations and awards and is also a producer and CEO of Motion Picture Company called Focus Features.Â